Tag: Social Studies

Waka hourua

Hello bloggers :0

this week and last week for social studies we have been working on making our very own Waka hourua! we had to use Popsicle sticks, paper straws, small sticks, and some others like a cloth and cardboard.

I was in charge of making the board of the Waka, so I glued 5 Popsicle sticks into a little flat board and  and glued them together….lets say it was not easy to cut of the ends of the popsicle sticks with scissors, so I recommended that we should buy a saw but judging from a teachers reaction I guess we should just scrap that idea.

Violet built a little house for the middle of the Waka while Riamme made the paddles and Andrea made the sails.

after a lot of hard work, my team and I….have finally finished…( i also made some emergency rails :> )




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