Tag: PB4L

Tessellation and PB4L swimming task board empathy chart, tessellation, if i made a school slides.

hi people 😀

this is my chart for the pb4l task on the swimming task board, for this task we had to list down what empathy looks like, sounds like, and feels like, i wasn’t really sure what the feel like meant so i just added what you would feel like if somebody did show empathy to you in a difficult situation so i hope that was what it meant.

i think i did well on choosing what empathy sounds like because i added phrases that you would say in different situations like if someone got hurt or if they are lonely or not playing a game with their friends.

this is my second task from the swimming task board

i had to make tessellation with a website, i used this shape to make a honeycomb shape so that its a pretty pattern,

I think i did well on choosing the shape because the honeycomb kind of shape is very mesmerising and very natural looking which i like.

though i think next time i should make the colours a bit more desaturated because a bright yellow like this tends to strain the eyes and sometimes might cause your eyes to hurt a bit if stared at for too long.

Bye bloggers 🙂


Hi people

this is my if i built a school slides 🙂

i had a lot of trouble doing the girl one because they only had the boy sheet, i tried to trace it by folding the paper and tracing it by putting the paper in the window where the sun is but it ended up looking very blocky and not very neat, so i had to get a sharpie and draw it on and coloured it with a whiteboard marker.

i also tried to make the uniform match each other by also….using sharpie….

But i guess it kinda worked out, maybe. But i think it was worth the try, also i know the picture doesn’t really show the shoes but the shoes were coloured in pencil, yeah haha.

but i think i did well on the colour scheme and the overall layout of the sheet because i decided to glue on the sheet with the girl onto the original sheet so i didn’t have to take a photo of both sheets which would make it more difficult and annoying to blog and gluing it can also make it easier to store it in you tote tray or bag 🙂

But i think next time i should try to keep the colouring from the whiteboard marker more in the lines to make it more neat.


Bye bloggers.

Manners flip

Hi people

today we made flips about manners, we were originally going to act it out but we couldn’t because we ran out of time, so i made this instead, its not super detailed but better than nothing so i hope we can get more time to finish it, i didn’t expect it to be this long haha i guess i recorded it for too long ;-;

buUUUUUUT anyway check it out 😉


PB4L Pokemon cards zones of regulation

WALT identify out emotions and label our triggers and toolbox solutions.

Hi people ( ¬.¬)

This is what i did for PB4L, we had to make a copy of a slide full of Pokemon cards, we ha to find more Pokemon to fit into the zones of regulations, for the red zone, i decided to choose Vulpix because it was a fire type, for the yellow zone i chose Hypno simply because it was yellow lol, for the green zone i chose Serperior because it was green and also because the name was creative, ( Serperior Serpent + Superior )

For the blue zone i ch0se Mimikyu because Mimikyu always just looks a bit sad 🙁
