Tag: Inquiry

Kereru inquiry T3 2023: science with Miss Hanrahan.

What we learned so far: chemical reactions. by Catherine

WALT understand combining an acid and base makes a chemnical reaction

Hi people.

this week we have been doing science with different teachers, today, i was with Miss Hanrahan, we learned about gases and different chemical reactions but today we were focused on vinegar and baking soda, before i made this poster we had to get in buddies, so of course, i paired up with Andrea 😀 she tried smelling the vinegar but deeply regretted it after haha, i have also attempted to sniff it but it wasn’t the best idea 🙁

We had to go onto the deck to avoid staining the concrete/walkway, Miss Hanrahan had to go around pouring orange food dye into the vinegar to make it look like lava 😀 we all each received a little spoon of baking soda, and on the count of 1 2 and 3 we all added the baking soda into the cup and then it started to fizz up! it looked like foam and erupted from the cup :0  and then we had to make a poster which is the one i’m showing you now!:)

Defenders of wildlife canva video


 WALT identify what conservation is and why it is important

Hi people

this week for inquiry we have been looking at endangered and extinct animals, for this create task, we had to make a plan about what would be in the Canva video, what conservation means, and also how we can prevent animals from becoming extinct, i was originally going to do four paws in the UK but their website had no information about anything that is about them, and also the site was very glitchy and bugged which was very annoying, i used a lot of transitions and animations in this video for it to not look dull and boring.

i think i did well with making the animations on the text very creative and i think i chose the right colours for the theme as well, maybe next time i should make the frames with longer texts a bit longer so that you wouldn’t have to pause it because its too short.



nightjar fact file

Hi people 😀

this is my nightjar fact file, i had to use the plan i made in  inquiry because i didn’t have enough time to blend up a plan haha, also, i did not know that nightjars were  nocturnal! guess i learnt something new today:)

here if it is to hard to read.

The New Zealand nightjars have pointed wings,long tail, and it kind of looks like a dragon hatchling! unfortunately these adorable but menacing birds are extinct.

Life span

4 years

size 12 inches

Weight male 131g female 151g

The rare New Zealand Nightjar went extinct in 1400 AD because of Pacific Rat predication when the Polynesians first arrived a thousand years ago. There were reports of a sighting in the 19th century that could be the Extinct New Zealand Nightjar owlet. But for now, the Nightjar has been known as extinct.

African wild dog brochure

hi people

this is my African wild dog brochure i made during inquiry, we had to fill out  a google slide kind of like a research project here is my slideshow.

I had quite a lot of fun making this because i love researching stuff 🙂

the African wild dog of the painted dog is a gorgeous animal with beautiful markings that look painted on, sadly, they are endangered and maybe even close to being critically endangered. in this brochure you will find out ways that you could prevent their extinction and other information about them.

might be blurry. like very blurry…

The african wild dog is the most endangered mammal with a population of around 1,409, they can reach speeds of up to 44 kilometres per hour, and can have a pack of 15-40 dogs!

you might think that the african wild dog has not predators right? if you are, you’re very wrong, lions, cheetahs, leopards, hippos are threats to the african wild dog and something that we can to to prevent them from extinction is to educate people about these creatures to give them a better reputation and to donate to conservation centres.

African wild dogs are found in coastal east Africa, Tanzania, and Mozambique.

70% of the African wild dogs diet is raw meat, they eat Gazelle, Antelope, and even Wildebeest!

They hunt in big packs and have the highest success rate in catching prey than any other predator.

The average African wild dogs weight and height is 30 inches and 40-70 pounds and can live for about 10 years. Its scientific name is pretty simple, Lycaon Pictus, ( Lycaon in greek means wolf like ) and is the most endangered mammal with around 1,409 left. They have Splotches Of black, brown, white, and orange on their coats that look as if it was painted on, thats how they got their name, ”the painted dog”

African wild dogs live in the savannahs, the environment is dry and warm, they have the food they need there, they like living there because there are creatures of its own kind there.

Their conservation status is endangered and possibly close to being critically endangered they are mammals meaning the mothers produce milk for their young. They have slim legs not as slim as the maned wolfs legs but they are pretty close.

now you know alot about The African wild dog and also know what a manned wolf looks like! off topic but uhm the maned wolf is not actually a wolf!

your welcome

Lesson 2 Animal survival flip


this week we have been learning about endangered animals, for this flip we had to choose one of the six needs the one that i chose was water, because it is very important to stay hydrated just like humans need water every now and then.

without water, a lot of animals will suffer from dehydration. Which won’t be very good ;-; JOKE TIME !!! why does water never laugh at jokes? it isn’t a fan of ”dry humour”

i was inspired by Ana for the background ( the chalkboard ) the water joke was found by Ana 😀

but ANYWAY go check out my video <3 ( ”’ -__- )