Tag: Summer Learning Journey

Name monster

hi people

this is my name monster, i thought that it looked like a mouse because of the c and also the other letters joined together looked like a dress since we had to write in cursive for this to be able to make a name monster.

i decided that the 2 lines under the arms would kind of be like a support for the bags because i feel like she would want to sell bags and purses to other people as a job maybe, and i think it turned out pretty well, it just looks a bit weird and unusual but there are like straps like a backpack for her to wear.

but i think i did well on designing the dress and the accessories because i really had to use my brain to think of something creative for her, but i should probably take the picture in a better location because its kind of hard to actually see the colours that i have added.

bye bloggers 😀


Kiwiana fish and chips slideshow

hi people 🙂

this is my Kiwiana slideshow, we are looking at fish and chips and its history.

i had to fill out some questions and make my own advertisement  / poster, i decided to draw a big bundle of fish and chips but it doesn’t really look like fish and chips in the photo but on paper it looks kind of like fish and chips…. 🙂 i added a fake phone number so that it actually looked like a real advertisement were you can go to but its not actually a fish and chips store.

i named it Fish chips and takeaway’s because i feel like a lot of people would also want other foods that aren’t fish and chips so, takeaways.

but i think next time i should take the photo in a lighter area so that its easier to see the writing and the picture since the picture should be the main focus of the advertisement / poster.

bye bloggers:D


student teacher report

hi people:)

this week for the swimming task board we had a new list to choose from, here is my teacher report for my homeroom teacher Miss Ronald.

now i know…the picture of Miss Ronald is a bit warped buuuut it was so that it could fit, OKAY??

but putting that aside i had to make a copy of the slides then fill out the slides with the school name, the year level that they teach, and their name, on the next slide i had to grade her work based off of her skills in the subject written in each column, then i had to kind of leave like a little note at the end talking about how she can use her skills, and why its good.

i think i did well on the note on the end because i talked about how she can use her skills to teach without difficulties and other problems.

Summer learning journey hero and nemisis

hello people 🙂

for summer learning journey this week i have been making a hero and a nemesis, i haven’t decided what to name them yet so i’ll just call them red and blue.

i designed blue to look kind of like she came out from the deep parts of the ocean and since the deepest part of the ocean is very dark i gave her very dark coloured attire, i also made her hair look like algae with i think isn’t very obvious and difficult to actually look and this and go ” ah hey! that kinda looks like water algae:0″

but i made it so that the hair still looked cool and stylised which i feel i did very well at, also thanks Mrs Ferguson for giving me the idea of drawing a cat with a purple bow tie:) now… red, i made her wear some red Qipao attire ( Qipao : traditional Chinese attire that dates back to the qing dynasty ) and gave her a little sword, i also gave her 2 ribbons that is tying her 2 buns together and made them gold because in china gold symbols wealth and red symbols royalty.

i think i did well on making the designs creative and also very in story because blue’s story could be that she came from the deepest darkest place of the ocean which made her not know the land and sun light very well that might’ve made her a villain.

and for red her story might be that she cares too much about looks and neatness that she might have to fix her hair mid battle, and probably be known as the useless hero.

but next time i think that make the background match each other but overall.

I’m happy with it.

bye bloggers! 😀

SLJ-Music To Art

Hi this is my Music To Art painting with the song Tiny Light by The Jibaku Shounen band 😀

i think i actually did really well on this since i managed to show how the music starts of very soft and small but then near the end of the song it suddenly turns into what you would hear at a sad scene maybe when the main character has to leave whatever is important to them but still a beautiful song.

i liked working on this and had some fun testing out the tools and the brushes to see which one fits the song the best, and i chose the Classic Marker, I actually had this song for as my alarm clock for a while but i changed it to Anyone else by Shayne Orok which is a good song too! the colours i used are blue, green, white, and red. i definitely recommend listening to Tiny Light it’s a really good song AND Anyone else, they are so good that i literally put them into my Spotify  playlists and listen to them while i draw!

i used Sumopaint X that is linked in the Summer Learning Journey blog, 😀

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